How to Grow your Eyelashes Overnight – 7 Methods to Follow

Who doesn’t love long eyelashes? Naturally, you will need around three months to grow your eyelashes.

It is very normal to be impatient, and you will probably want to grow your eyelashes overnight.

The question is, how to grow your eyelashes overnight? You will be glad to know that there are a few ways through which you can grow eyelashes overnight.

Long eyelashes are required by almost every girl out there. Because long eyelashes give an edge to your eye makeup and make you prettier.

Although we use mascara, eyelash extension, and other makeup products, we would all like to have naturally long eyelashes.

You can grow your eyelashes overnight with some natural ingredients instead of waiting for months.

Below, there is a step by step guide that will help you to grow your eyelashes overnight.

how to grow your eyelashes overnight

How to Grow your Eyelashes Overnight – 7 Easy Methods

Step 1: Use a growth serum like Latisse to grow your eyelashes

The first thing that will come into your mind is to use a serum to grow your eyelashes. But not every serum in the market is okay to use.

There are many fake products available in the market, which can be harmful to your eyes.

These are some of the best available products from Amazon:

Visit here to see this on Amazon.

Visit here to see this on Amazon.

As you are dealing with a sensitive part of your body, you will need to make sure that you are using the right product.

Nowadays, many people are choosing Latisse over other serums because of its approval from the FDA.

Doctors suggest using this eyelash growth serum for longer eyelashes. You can apply it, and you will get longer eyelashes within days.

Step 2: Use petroleum jelly every night for better growth

It is a classic method of growing eyelashes overnight. You can use any petroleum jelly that you regularly use.

At first, take a thin coat of petroleum jelly and use a cotton swab to apply on your eyelashes. If you don’t have a cotton swab, then you can use your fingers too.

Make sure that you clean your hand before applying the petroleum jelly in your eyes.

Before going to bed, apply the petroleum jelly over the lash line of your eyes. It will help you to grow your eyelashes overnight.

The purpose of using petroleum jelly is to protect the lashes from external elements in the air. It will moisture the area, and your eyelashes will be bigger.

Step 3: Rub olive oil and castor oil in the eyelashes

Using the oil can be another method to grow your eyelashes overnight. These oils will keep the lashes from drying up and stimulate growth.

Olive oil and castor oil are the most preferred ones for using. These contain such ingredients and nutrients, which will help your lashes to grow overnight.

Visit here to see this on Amazon.

Visit here to see this on Amazon.

We will suggest you not to use thick oils like coconut oil. Coconut oil is thicker compared to olive oil and castor oil.

If you use coconut oil, there is a possibility that the follicles will get clogged. So, think before you use any type of product in your eyes and eyelashes.

Step 4: Make a mixture of egg white and oil

You can also try to use eggs. If you are comfortable with the smell of eggs, then this might be the perfect solution for you.

Many people don’t like to use eggs because of their smell. The purpose of using an egg is the protein in it. Egg whites are very common for hair growth.

So, it can be a great solution for long eyelashes as well. It will increase the growth of eyelashes.

To make the mixture of egg white, you will need olive oil or castor oil. You can simply do the previous step with this one.

Take one egg and separate the white part. Then, add the same amount of castor oil or olive oil with the egg white. Apply this mixture on the lash lines of your eyes.

Don’t apply it directly to the lashes. You can do this once a week, and you will have beautiful and long eyelashes.

Step 5: Stop using an eyelash curler

You might not realize how much damage you cause while using an eyelash curler. The root of your eyelash is weaker than you think.

So, when you use an eyelash curler, a few of your eyelashes can come with it. Even if you use one, you need to be very careful while using it.

When you remove your eye makeup, don’t rub your eyes too hard.

It makes your lashes to fall off. Use makeup remover and cotton to gently remove your eye makeup. Also, change the habit of rubbing your eyes every now and then.

These little habits cause damage to your eyelash without your knowledge.

Step 6: Take an eyelash brush to brush your eyelashes every night

You will need an eyelash brush for this. These brushes usually come with eyebrow kits. If you don’t have one, you can buy one.

If you brush the lashes regularly, it will stimulate the circulation of the hair follicles. Make sure to use a soft brush so that any don’t come off while you brush these.

Step 7: Massage your lashes every night before going to bed

There is no alternative to massaging your eyelids for lash growth. You will need to massage your eyelids for at least 5 minutes daily.

You can massage for more time if you can which will give you a better result. Use your finger for massaging the lids. Don’t put too much pressure so that you hurt your eyes.

If you rub and massage your eyelids every night, you will see a tremendous result the next day.

Growing long eyelashes is not easy if you don’t know the correct technique. You will need to do a few things simultaneously for long eyelashes.

It is a great habit to apply oil and massage the lashes every night before going to bed.

You will need to be patient throughout the whole process. Growing eyelashes overnight can be hard and depressing at the same time because you will want the result the next morning.

We will suggest you to be patient and keep doing the necessary things.

7 steps to grow eyelashes overnightgrow eyelashes overnight

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