Can You Use Baking Soda on Marble? (Quick Answers)

Baking soda is a multipurpose ingredient you can find in almost any home, and you will often see people suggesting it as a cleaning agent. It is also known as sodium bicarbonate or the bicarbonate of sodium. 

You can use baking soda as a cleaning product for surfaces and materials, including marble, tiles, etc.

Using baking soda on marble

Baking soda is an alkaline and abrasive product with which you can remove any stubborn stains on marble surfaces. But you must not use it to clean any marble surfaces, such as your kitchen countertop, regularly. Regularly cleaning the kitchen countertop will make it dull because it can get faded.

Marble is a soft stone made of calcium carbonate, which makes it prone to stains, dullness, and scratches. Therefore, you should remove any spills or harmful ingredients as soon as possible by using proper cleaning agents. 

You can use a commercial, neutral pH marble cleaner because it is the safest cleaning method for marble surfaces.

Although most people consider baking soda as the universal cleaning ingredient, it has some harmful effects on certain materials. Experts suggest against the regular use of baking soda for cleaning marble surfaces, such as kitchen countertops. 

The abrasive and alkaline nature of baking soda makes the suggestion appropriate.

Real marble:

Using baking soda on real marble surfaces requires caution and proper knowledge. Baking soda is a corrosive and alkaline element, making it appropriate for cleaning stubborn stains and spills. 

However, these properties make the baking soda slightly harmful to surfaces made of real marble. The abrasive characteristic of baking soda can make real marble dull. Therefore, you can use it for a short time and clean it off with a dry cloth.

Cultured marble:

Cultured marble is manufactured from marble dust and high-strength polyester resin. As a result, removing stains from cultured marble surfaces requires the use of harsh chemicals. 

Add a total of ¾ cup of baking soda, vinegar, and ammonia and dilute it with 8 cups of water in a container. Then clean the area with the solution and wash off with cold water. You can repeat the process if necessary.

Cultured marble is tougher than marble. However, it requires proper care to last for a long time. So, use appropriate cleaning products, and you will have shiny marble surfaces after every cleaning session.

Reasons why baking soda is great for cleaning marble

Several points are the reasons why the majority of people suggest cleaning marble surfaces with baking soda. We have listed all the convincing reasons for you:


The first reason that will come to your mind if you think of baking soda is that it is available almost everywhere. You can find it in most grocery shops and markets. You probably already have a box of baking soda in your fridge or kitchen. 

The availability of baking soda makes it appropriate for suggesting for use as a cleaning product.

Absence of harsh chemicals:

Baking soda does not have any harsh chemicals. However, it has abrasive properties and will likely dull a real marble surface. But this characteristic of baking soda makes it appropriate for removing stubborn stains and spills. 

So, if you wish to remove any stain or clean any surface, you can use a solution of baking soda and water. If you wish to use it on a real marble surface, do not use too much baking soda. Use a small amount and rub the excess off with a dry cloth.


Most commercial, neutral pH cleaners have high costs, and fitting them within a budget becomes difficult for most people. A cheap alternative is baking soda. 

The two main differences between baking soda and a marble surface cleaner are the price and pH of the solutions. Baking soda has high pH as it is alkaline. And, it is cheaper than most cleaning agents.


A majority of people who have experience in cleaning their marble kitchen countertops advise using a small amount of baking soda for cleaning it. Since baking soda is corrosive, a small amount can work like a charm. 

A dilute solution can help remove stubborn stains on different surfaces and make them look new. Moreover, you will not have to buy baking soda too frequently as you will not need to use it so much at a time.

These are the reasons why you should use baking soda for cleaning marble surfaces.

How long do you leave baking soda on marble?

As mentioned earlier, real marble is made up of calcium carbonate and cultured marble is made from marble dust and high-strength polyester resin. Marble is a sensitive material and is prone to dullness and scratches. 

Therefore, cleaning a marble surface using a solution of baking soda is tricky but not insurmountable.

For treating a stain on a surface made of real marble, mix baking soda with some water to form a thick paste. Apply it over the stained area and cover it with plastic for 24 hours to thoroughly absorb the stain

If the solution works but the stain remains slightly, repeat the procedure with fresh paste.

On the other hand, if the stain is on a cultured marble surface, you can pour a little solution of baking soda and water over the stain and rub it off using a cloth. If the surface is light-colored, you can try using hydrogen peroxide with the solution to increase its effectiveness. 

But it can decolorize the surface so refrain from using this item if you are trying to clean a dark-colored surface. 

Tips to use baking soda to clean marble floor tiles, grouts, or countertops

If you have decided to use baking soda instead of a cleaning agent for cleaning the marble floor tiles, grout, or countertops, here are some tips you will find useful.

Sprinkling baking soda:

Instead of making a solution of baking soda by mixing it with water, you can use the powder. For cleaning a marble surface, just sprinkle some baking soda on the stain and use a cloth to clean it off. 

A thin layer will do the job so you do not have to sprinkle too much baking soda.


Although baking soda is corrosive, it alone cannot remove or absorb the stain on the marble floor tile, grout, or the kitchen countertop. You will have to scrub it off using a cloth. 

You will not require a separate cloth for this purpose, any ordinary piece of cloth will do just fine. Dampen the cloth before use and gently rub the baking soda off the surface. Be sure to be gentle as scrubbing hard will hurt the soft marble.

Rinse with water:

Any residue of baking soda should not remain on a marble surface because it is abrasive and will hurt the soft marble. Additionally, the residue can decolorize a dark-colored marble surface. 

Therefore, after cleaning your marble floor tiles, grout, or countertops with baking soda, rinse the surface with water. Rinsing with water will wash away any residue. As a result, the marble will last for a long time.

Cleaning grout:

Light-colored grout can benefit from the cleaning abilities of baking soda. To clean grout, mix baking soda and water and create a paste. Apply it on dirty grout and leave it overnight. 

Then, scrub it with a toothbrush and clean it with a damp rug.

Cleaning floor tiles:

If you have stained marble tiles and want to make your house look shiny again, you can use baking soda to clean the floors of your home. Add half a cup of baking soda to a bucket of water and mop the tile floors. Then wait for it to dry. 

The high pH and corrosive characteristics of baking soda will lift the grime and dissolve it in water.

Baking soda and vinegar:

You may already know that baking soda and vinegar are a powerful duo. These two ingredients can remove stubborn stains, grime, and dirt. However, the mixture only remains effective as long as it bubbles. 

After it stops bubbling, the solution will neutralize, and you will not observe effective cleaning. So, use it while it bubbles.

These are most tips you will get from people with incredible experiences with cleaning using baking soda. However, do not overuse it on soft surfaces as its abrasive property can hurt those surfaces and cause decolorization.

Final Thoughts

Although baking soda is a great cleaner, do not use it regularly for cleaning materials made of marble. Cultured marble is resistant to baking soda, so it will not affect it negatively. You can use baking soda often to clean marble surfaces but rinse with water to remove any harmful residues.

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