What Smells Do Bed Bugs Dislike? (Read This First!)
Bed bugs are tiny but disgusting creatures that can cause a lot of problems in a home. If you’re looking to get rid of bed bugs, it’s important to know what smells they dislike. You can use this knowledge to create a strategy to deter them from entering your home.
Let’s discover what smells bed bugs dislike.
15 smells that bed bugs dislike and how to use them:
Several smells are strongly disliked by bed bugs. Bed bug repellents are effective against a variety of scents, including peppermint, essential oil, petroleum jelly, tea tree oil, lavender oil, blood orange oil, diatomaceous earth, powdered pepper, and rubbing alcohol.
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Let’s talk about them in details –
Exterminators use peppermint to repel bed bugs because it acts as insect repellent. Spray the area where bed bugs have been spotted with peppermint oil added to furniture, mattresses, and blankets.
Essential Oil:
Several essential oils are effective at deterring bed bugs. One of these oils is lavender oil. Lavender essential oil diffuser pads can be placed around beds and sleeping areas in your home, or aromatherapy sprays or vaporizers can be used before you go to bed.
Petroleum Jelly:
Petroleum jelly-based repellents are another popular option for people who want to get rid of bed bugs. The repellent should be applied to furniture, floors, and walls where bed bugs are visible.
Tea Tree Oil:
It has been found that tea tree oil is an effective deterrent against bed bugs due to its strong scent. Before sweeping or cleaning surfaces where bed bugs are known to reside, add a few drops of tea tree oil to your vacuum cleaner bag.
Lavender Oil:
Using lavender oils in conjunction with other natural deterrents, such as essential oils, can also help repel bed bugs. Before using an aromatherapy spray or diffuser, add a few drops of lavender oil.
Blood Orange Oil:
Bedbugs and other insects are effectively repelled by blood orange oil, another strong-smelling essential oil. It is recommended to apply a few drops of blood orange oil to surfaces where bed bugs are known to live and to use insecticidal soap if necessary.
Diatomaceous Earth:
Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a powder made from the skeletal remains of microscopic creatures, such as diatoms. In addition to repelling bed bugs and cockroaches, DE is effective against other bugs as well.
Use diatomaceous earth around beds and furniture where pests are known to reside.
Garlic is another repellent that can be used to eliminate bedbugs. Make a paste with crushed garlic and water, then smear it on surfaces where bed bugs are known to live.
Eucalyptus Oil:
Using lemongrass oil is another effective repellent when used on bed frames, mattresses, and other surfaces where bed bugs are known to live. Place a few drops of eucalyptus oil on the area, then cover it with plastic wrap or a mattress pad.
Pine-sol can also be used as a bed bug repellent. Use pine-sol to treat surfaces where bedbugs are known to live, and then cover them with plastic wrap or a mattress pad.
Citronella Oil:
Citronella oil is another powerful repellent that will keep bedbugs away from your home. Cover surfaces where bugs are known to live with plastic wrap or a mattress pad after applying citronella oil.
Another effective repellent against bed bugs is lemon. Lemon juice can be rubbed all over surfaces where bugs are known to live, such as beds and furniture.
Cinnamon is a natural bed bug repellent. Sprinkle cinnamon oil around beds and furniture where bugs are known to live.
Rubbing Alcohol:
In the absence of any of these repellents, rubbing alcohol can also be used to eliminate bedbugs. Apply rubbing alcohol to surfaces where bugs are known to live by filling a spray bottle with enough to cover the area you want to protect.
There is also the option of using soap. Using a cloth soaked in soap, cover areas known to be infested with bugs. Remove all soap from the area by wiping it down.
Where do bed bugs hide?
Among the places where bed bugs hide are around the edges of furniture, behind wall hangings, and under beds. In addition, they can be found in cracks and crevices near electrical outlets, behind water heaters, and in closets.
Edges of furniture:
Furniture edges are often a breeding ground for bedbugs, which can easily escape into the open. Keep all furniture away from the edge of your mattress and use a mattress pad or plastic wrap to cover any gaps between furniture and walls.
Wall hangings:
Also, bed bugs can hide in wall hangings, making it difficult to detect them in advance. Use a vacuum cleaner and crevice tool if you suspect that your wall hangings have bed bugs.
Under beds:
Under beds are one of the most common places where bed bugs hide. To prevent them from entering your bedroom, you should inspect the underside of your bed frequently as well as use a vacuum cleaner to remove any bugs that are discovered on it.
Bedbugs can also be found hiding in cracks and crevices near electrical outlets, behind water heaters, and in closets. You can detect them by looking for tiny brown bugs the size of a pinhead.
Near electrical outlets:
It is common for bed bugs to be found near electrical outlets, where they feed on people who sleep next to their beds. Cover any open spaces around your bed with a mattress pad or an extra layer of sheets to keep them away from your bed.
Unplug any electronics that are not needed.
Near water heaters:
Bedbugs can also be found near water heaters, where they can swim into homes through cracks in the walls or floors. Keep all openings to your water heater closed and remove any food left inside after using it.
Also, bed bugs can be found in closets, where they feed on people who sleep there. Open your closet doors and vacuum any bugs you find to prevent them from getting close to your bed.
How do bed bugs get into the house?
There are several ways in which bedbugs can invade the house. They may hitch a ride on luggage or furniture, climb through windows or doors that are left open, or be brought in by people who come into the house.
Bedbugs can also be brought in by items used to store or transport furniture, such as clothes, bedding, and toys. There are also cracks in walls and floors that can allow bedbugs to get into the house and enter the house.
You can prevent them from entering your home by sealing all openings on your walls and flooring with a layer of caulk or tape to prevent them from getting in.
Tips to prevent bed bugs from coming to your house:
Even though bed bugs are difficult to eradicate, there are some effective ways to prevent them from coming into your home. Identifying the presence of bed bugs in your home is the first step. Here are some tips to help you find them:
Seal all cracks:
You should seal any cracks or openings in your walls and floors with caulk or tape. You will be able to prevent bed bugs from entering your home this way.
Vacuum regularly:
When bed bugs are found, a vacuum cleaner can help remove them. Clean all surfaces with the vacuum including your furniture, mattresses, and curtains.
Check for bugs:
Ensure that all of your belongings are checked for signs of bed bugs once per month. You can find tiny brown or black bugs in cracks and crevices. Contact a professional exterminator if you find any cracks and seal them with caulk or tape.
Use bed bugs deterrents:
You can prevent bed bugs from entering your home by using one of the many bed bug deterrents available on the market. Sprays, powders, and traps are among these products. A bed bug infestation can be treated with one of these methods.
When to look for professional help?
Whenever you find any evidence of bed bugs in your home, try DIY methods and use some of the deterrents to get rid of them. It is usually possible to get rid of bed bugs on your own in most cases.
However, if they are causing significant damage to your property, you might want to seek the help of a professional exterminator.
A professional can treat the infestation and prevent it from returning. The best way to ensure that bed bugs don’t return and cause more problems is to hire a professional.
Final Thoughts
Bed bugs dislike the smell of peppermint, essential oils, petroleum jelly, tea tree oil, and lavender oil. Use them in areas where bed bugs are most prevalent. Make sure your house is regularly cleaned and vacuumed. Make sure they do not climb through windows or hitch rides on luggage or furniture.