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Spicy Potato Noodles

Welcome to a culinary journey where we explore the delightful world of Spicy Potato Noodles. This dish, known for its thick, bouncy, and chewy texture, is a celebration of flavors.

Coated in a garlicky, savory, tangy, and mildly spicy chili oil sauce, these noodles promise an addictive taste that’s hard to resist.

Perfect for a cozy weeknight dinner, this recipe pairs wonderfully with dishes like chicken karaage, Taiwanese fried chicken, or a refreshing Chinese smashed cucumber salad. Let’s embark on this delicious adventure together!

Potato noodles, a staple in Asian cuisine, have a rich history and cultural significance. Originating from the culinary traditions of East Asia, these noodles have become a beloved ingredient in various regional dishes.

Their unique texture and versatility have made them a favorite among food enthusiasts worldwide. In this recipe, we embrace the traditional method of making potato noodles while adding a modern twist with a spicy chili oil sauce.


To create this mouth-watering dish, we’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Russet Potatoes (1.1 pounds): Peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces. Russet potatoes are ideal for their starchy quality, which contributes to the noodles’ chewy texture. Gold potatoes can also be used as a substitute.
  • Salt (½ teaspoon): To season the noodles, enhancing their natural flavors.
  • Potato Starch (1½ cups): This is key to giving the noodles their signature bouncy and chewy texture.
  • Warm Water (½ cup): Helps in binding the dough and making it pliable for shaping the noodles.

For the chili oil, we’ll need:

  • Regular Soy Sauce (2 tablespoons): Adds a rich, umami flavor to the sauce.
  • Chinese Black Vinegar (2 tablespoons): Known for its tangy and slightly sweet flavor, it balances the heat of the chili.
  • Gochugaru (2 tablespoons): Korean red pepper flakes that bring a mild heat and vibrant color to the dish. You can opt for coarse or fine ground, or even Chinese chili powder as an alternative.
  • Granulated Sugar (1¼ teaspoons): A touch of sugar rounds out the spiciness and adds depth.
  • Salt (⅛ teaspoon): Just a pinch to enhance all the flavors.
  • Minced Garlic (2 tablespoons): Brings a pungent, aromatic quality to the sauce.
  • Sliced Green Onion (1 stalk): Adds a fresh, crisp texture and mild onion flavor.
  • Neutral Oil (3 tablespoons): Such as avocado, sunflower, or grapeseed oil, used to infuse the chili flavors.
  • Cilantro (⅓ cup, roughly chopped): Provides a burst of freshness and complements the spicy notes.

With these ingredients at hand, we’re all set to create a dish that’s not only a feast for the taste buds but also a joy to prepare. Stay tuned as we dive into the heart of the recipe – the step-by-step cooking process.

A Step-by-Step Cooking Guide:

  1. Cooking the Potato: Begin by boiling the potatoes. Place your peeled and chopped russet potatoes in a pot of boiling water. Let them cook until they are fork-tender, which should take about 10 to 15 minutes. This step is crucial as it softens the potatoes, making them ready for mashing and ultimately forming the base of our noodle dough.
  2. Making the Dough: Once your potatoes are cooked, drain them well and transfer them to a heatproof mixing bowl. Add half a teaspoon of salt. Now, mash the potatoes with a fork until they are completely smooth, ensuring no lumps remain. This smoothness is key to a uniform noodle texture. While the mashed potatoes are still hot, add in the potato starch. This is where the magic happens – the heat from the potatoes will start to cook the starch, making the mixture gelatinous and stretchy, ideal for noodle making. Mix until well combined. If the dough is manageable and not too hot, start kneading it until it becomes cohesive. Add the warm water gradually, continuing to mix until the dough is almost smooth. Remember, the dough won’t be as stretchy as bread dough, but it should be pliable enough for shaping.
  3. Shaping the Noodles: Bring a fresh pot of water to a boil for cooking the noodles. Meanwhile, divide your dough into 14 equal pieces. This ensures uniform cooking and serving sizes. Keep the dough covered with a damp towel at all times when not in use to prevent it from drying out. Take one piece of dough at a time and roll it into a half-inch thick noodle. This thickness is ideal for achieving that perfect chewy texture.
  4. Cooking the Noodles: Carefully place the shaped noodles into the boiling water. Be mindful not to overcrowd the pot, as the noodles need to be fully submerged for even cooking. After adding them to the water, give the noodles a gentle stir to prevent them from sticking. Let them cook until they float to the top, then allow an additional minute of cooking. This ensures they are cooked through but still retain a delightful chewiness. After cooking, transfer the noodles to a bowl of cold water. This stops the cooking process and preserves their texture.

Assembly and Presentation:

  1. Preparing the Chili Oil: In a heatproof bowl, combine the soy sauce, Chinese black vinegar, gochugaru, sugar, salt, minced garlic, and sliced green onion. These ingredients form the flavor base of your chili oil. In a small pan, heat the neutral oil until it starts to smoke – this is crucial for releasing the flavors of your spices. Carefully pour the hot oil over the ingredients in the bowl. Once the oil settles, give the chili oil a good stir to ensure all the flavors meld together.
  2. Final Assembly: Drain your potato noodles well and transfer them to a large, clean bowl. Pour the freshly prepared chili oil over the noodles, ensuring they are evenly coated. This step is where your noodles get their signature spicy kick. Finally, add the chopped cilantro for a fresh, herby finish. Mix everything well to ensure the noodles are thoroughly coated with the sauce.
  3. Serving: Serve the noodles warm to enjoy their full flavor and texture. The warmth enhances the dish’s aromas and makes the experience all the more enjoyable.

Next, we will explore additional tips and tricks, nutritional information, and ways to store and reheat these delicious Spicy Potato Noodles. Stay tuned for these valuable insights that will elevate your cooking experience!

Cooking Tips:

Handling the Dough: The key to perfect potato noodles lies in the temperature of the dough. Work quickly while the dough is still warm to ensure it remains pliable and easy to shape.

If the dough cools down, it becomes brittle and more likely to crack. This warmth helps in achieving the ideal texture for your noodles.

Avoiding Common Mistakes: Ensure your water is at a rolling boil before adding the noodles to prevent them from sticking together.

Also, avoid overcooking the noodles; they should be removed from the boiling water as soon as they float to the surface and have cooked for an additional minute.

Achieving the Perfect Texture: The chewiness and bounce of the noodles are paramount. Pay close attention to the thickness when rolling out your noodles and the cooking time to achieve that desirable texture.


This dish, while indulgent, also packs a nutritional punch. Russet potatoes are a good source of potassium and fiber, and the use of garlic and green onions adds essential vitamins and minerals.

Each serving of this dish contains approximately 581 calories, with a balance of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. It’s a hearty meal that satisfies not just the taste buds but also provides nutritional benefits.

Here’s a quick glance at the nutritional value of one serving of our Spicy Potato Noodles recipe:

  • Calories: 581 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 103.6 g
  • Protein: 11.5 g
  • Fat: 15.2 g
  • Fiber: 9.1 g
  • Sugar: 6.3 g
  • Vitamin A: 1743.3 IU
  • Vitamin C: 15.5 mg
  • Calcium: 109.5 mg
  • Iron: 3.9 mg

This nutritional breakdown offers a comprehensive view of what each serving of the Spicy Potato Noodles brings to your table, combining great taste with a balance of nutrients. Enjoy this delightful dish knowing its nutritional content!


Adjusting Spice Levels: You can easily modify the heat of the chili oil to suit your taste. Use less gochugaru or opt for a milder chili powder if you prefer a less spicy dish.

Vegetarian and Gluten-Free Options: For a vegetarian version, ensure that all the sauces used are free from animal products. For a gluten-free option, check that the soy sauce is gluten-free.

Pairing with Other Dishes:

Spicy Potato Noodles are versatile and can be paired with various dishes. They go exceptionally well with protein-rich foods like chicken karaage or Taiwanese fried chicken.

For a lighter option, pair them with a Chinese smashed cucumber salad, which offers a refreshing contrast to the spicy and savory noodles.

Storing and Reheating:

Storing Leftovers: If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They will keep well for up to 3 days.

Reheating: To reheat, simply warm them in a pan over medium heat.

Add a little water or additional oil if needed to prevent the noodles from drying out. This will help retain their texture and flavor.

Spicy Potato Noodles are not just a dish; they’re an experience. From the joy of making the noodles from scratch to the burst of flavors in every bite, this dish is sure to become a favorite in your culinary repertoire.

Whether you’re cooking for a special occasion or a regular weeknight dinner, these noodles are sure to impress.

Happy cooking!