How Long Do Liquid Nails Take to Dry? (Quick Answers)

Regardless of what kind of material you need to stick together, you can count on Liquid Nails.

One of the most well-known construction adhesives, Liquid nails can be used to glue together different types of materials.

While being effective in forming the strongest bond, this adhesive can take time to dry and cure.

How Long Do Liquid Nails Take To Dry?

Liquid Nails can take anywhere from 4 hours to 24 hours to dry upon any material. It may even take up to a week or more to cure and set completely. The drying time for Liquid Nails depends on various factors like temperature, humidity, ventilation, type of material, and thickness of the adhesive. 

Here is a breakdown of how long before the adhesive or glue dries on each surface: 

On wood:

When liquid Nail is applied to wood, it might start drying within 15 minutes.

But you may want to not that, no amount of pressure should be applied to the wood surface in the next 24 hours.

On wood, Liquid Nails would be able to stick baseboards, wood frames, or even panels but since it is not having hard as wood glue, the adhesive cannot be an ideal replacement for much heavier wood attachments.

On concrete:

Liquid Nails are one adhesive that works magic on concrete surfaces and forms the hardest bonds when exterior factors are in favor.

On concrete, the glue starts to dry witting 15 to 20 minutes and takes up to 4 hours to set.

However, the total drying time may increase by a lot more hours if the airflow is not right or if the moisture level on a particular day is higher than usual.

On metal:

Contrary to concrete or wood, the adhesive takes time to work on wood. Firstly, when the adhesive is applied to metal, the initial drying may start within 4 to 6 hours.

To dry completely it would take up to a day and another to be sure and set.

On plastic:

The drying time of Liquid Nails on plastic is similar to that on wood and takes longer compared to other surfaces.

It would be a minimum of 4 hours before the adhesive sets on the plastic surface. After 4 hours, the adhesive starts to dry and can take a little more than 24 hours to become hard.

Do liquid nails dry fast? Will liquid nails dry in rain?

Liquid Nails do not dry fast and may take anywhere from 4 to 24 hours to dry completely and harden.

Although the drying time for Liquid Nails is greatly dependent on external factors like climate and humidity or airflow, the surface and type of glue may speed up or slow down the drying process.

It is possible to speed up the drying process with a few application methods.

As moisture is one of the factors that greatly affect how long it might take to dry, liquid nail adhesive would not stick properly if it rains heavily right after application, especially when the glue is yet to be hardened.

Since Liquid Nail is made in such a way that it is water resistant, little rain would not have much effect on the sticking ability of the adhesive.

For a certain type of Liquid nail-like ones that are hybrid or silicone-based, moisture speeds up the drying process. Rain would even help the adhesive dry faster in that regard.

How do liquid nails dry?

As Liquid Nails are applied on any surface, several factors work to take away the solvent from the soft glue. This includes temperature, airflow, and humidity as basic factors that strip the solvent off the adhesive and evaporate it.

As the solvent evaporates, the adhesive starts to harden. Hence when there is more ventilation and higher temperature, this process of evaporation speeds up, decreasing the drying time significantly.

As the glue or adhesive becomes completely hard, the liquid nail dries. It is important to note that drying is not the same as curing in the case of Liquid Nails. After the adhesive dries up, it takes a lot more hours to set and cure.

Cure time is when the glue reaches its full strength, and this time may be up to a week depending on what type of glue has been used and on what surface.

What factors affect liquid nail’s dry time?

The following factors would determine and change the drying time of Liquid Nails:


The temperature, and in turn the climate on the day you have applied Liquid nail may speed up or slow down the drying time.

For instance, when the temperature is lower, it may take significantly longer for the adhesive to dry. If the temperature is 20 degrees warmer, you can expect the drying time to speed up and dry in half the time.


Moisture and humidity will change the drying time depending on the type of Liquid Nail that is being used.

For the construction adhesive Liquid Nail, the higher the humidity, the longer it will take to dry. In the case of polymer or silicone Liquid Nails, the drying time decreases in presence of more moisture or humidity.

Type of surface:

What material or surface the Liquid Nail adhesive is being applied on also affects the drying time.

For surfaces like wood and concrete, the drying time, as well as the curing time, would be much faster than for surfaces like metal and plastic.

Surfaces like masonry and brick walls also take less time to dry on.

The thickness of glue:

It is common sense that when you apply a thick coat of Liquid Nail adhesive on any service, the application will take more time to dry. On a few surfaces like wood, you may need to apply more adhesive than concrete.

To find out how much adhesive a particular surface would require, you would need to read out the instructions.


Last but not the least, when you use the adhesive on a room where airflow is great, you can expect Liquid Nails to dry up faster. Ventilation speeds up drying time while stagnant air slows it down,

What is the liquid nail drying time temperature requirement?

As we have mentioned multiple times, the temperature is one of the most crucial factors that affect the drying time of Liquid Nails. If the climate is hot and humid, you may expect the drying time to be over a day.

Usually, when the temperature of the surrounding is below 40 degrees, Liquid Nails will not harden, not dry up in any way. In such cases, you would have to completely reapply the glue at the right temperature.

When the temperate is anywhere from 60 to 75 or 80 degrees, the adhesive can start to dry from 15 minutes mark to 4 hours mark. This would mainly depend on the type of surface and adhesive.

How to speed up liquid nails dry time?

If you wish to speed up the liquid nail drying time, you can apply and few tips and tricks. Here are a few methods you could try:

Use a fan to maximize airflow:

Airflow helps to evaporate the adhesive faster by taking off the solvent from it.

When there is direct airflow and good ventilation, you can expect the Liquid Nails to dry up much faster. For that, you can direct a fan towards the surface you have just applied Liquid Nails on.

Keep the room warm:

Keeping the temperature of the room above 70 degrees is the way to get your adhesive to dry faster. Moreover, you may want to remember that a cold room can completely ruin the Liquid Nails application.

Don’t use more glue than needed:

Always read the instruction and apply the amount that has been mentioned. When all factors are in favor, the right amount of glue is what determines how you can speed up the drying time.

How long before you can paint over liquid nails?

On some surfaces, Liquid Nails can take only 15 minutes to harden while on some others, the drying time is 4 hours. It is after 24 hours that the glue starts to cure.

The cure time is when the adhesive reaches its full strength and this is when no pressure nor pain should be applied to the adhesive.

After a week, you can pain over liquid nails without having to worry about transferring moisture or making the glue soft again.

Final Thoughts

Liquid Nails take 4 to 24 hours to dry and a week to cure. Other than external factors like temperature, humidity, and airflow what’s even more important in determining how long Liquid Nail might take to dry is the type of material it has been applied on.

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