How High to Mount a TV in the Living Room? (Quick Answers)

Nowadays people prefer to mount their TV on the wall more than putting it on a TV cabinet because it makes the room look more beautiful and saves up a lot of space. In today’s article, we will be discussing the height to mount a TV in a living room.

How high to mount a tv in the living room? 

You can follow some rules when mounting a TV on the wall. It is followed as a rule that a standard height to mount a 42-inch television should be about 56 inches from the floor. Since you will watch TV while sitting, you have to maintain the height based on the height from which you are watching.

Nowadays everyone prefers to mount the TV on the wall as it gives a modular look to the room. On the one hand, it helps to save space on the floor and room as well as it doesn’t require the TV cabinet.

Generally, when watching TV in the living room, everyone feels comfortable watching TV while sitting on the sofa, so when mounting the TV on the wall, it should be mounted at a suitable height for watching while sitting on the sofa. 

Moreover, considering the distance, it is possible to determine how high or low the TV will sit. However, different TVs have different height criteria for wall mounting. They are described below in terms of TV size: 

42-inch tv:

This is followed by a rule, 42-inch TV should be mounted at least 56 inches from the floor. Although it is better to consider the viewing angle when placing the TV on the wall.

50-inch tv: 

A 50-inch TV will need to be mounted 29.7 inches higher from the ground.

55-inch tv: 

Since the TV should be at your eye level, you should consider mounting it about 28.5 inches from the ground. 

60-inch tv: 

A 60-inch television should be mounted 66 inches from the floor to the center of

the screen.

65-inch tv: 

Considering the viewing angle, a 65-inch TV should be considered to mount at 69 inches higher from the ground to the center of the screen.

75-inch tv:

For a 75-inch TV to mount in a viewing angle, it should be mounted about 24 inches from the floor to the bottom of the TV.

85-inch tv: 

The 85-inch television should be mounted 20 inches from the ground to the bottom of the screen.

Is it better to look up or down at a TV? Should a TV be centered on a wall? 

For the best viewing experience, it is recommended to mount the TV at your viewing level when you’re sitting on a couch or sofa. Mounting the TV to look up or down will cause extra hassle and cause pain in your shoulders. 

That’s why it is recommended to calculate the estimated viewing distance before mounting the TV screen on the wall to prevent any type of issue while watching the television.

It depends on you where you want to mount the TV on the wall, but it is recommended to place the TV in the center of the wall from your viewing angle

It means when you will be looking at the TV while sitting on a sofa, guys should look straight at the TV screen. Placing the TV at eye level is very important, although placing slightly lower is OK.

Should the center of the TV ever be higher than 42 inches with smaller screens? 

It depends entirely on the viewing angle of the user, if the center of the TV is more than 42 inches with a small screen, where it should be mounted. If you mount the TV on a wall relatively close to you, the TV should sit a little below 42 inches. 

This means that when you are sitting on the sofa or couch, your eyes should see at the same level as where the TV is. When placing a TV on the wall, the general rule is to make sure your eyes are not higher than the center of the screen.

But technically, the larger the TV, the lower the center mount of the screen will be. So, if you want to mount a small TV on the wall, it should be mounted higher than usual.

Things to consider while determining tv height on the living room wall

Most of the people noticed prefer mounting the TV owner wall rather than placing it on a cabinet. Mounting the TV on a wall is one of the most convenient jobs, but deciding the correct position on where to mount it is very difficult. 

Moreover, when mounting a TV, you should consider the viewing distance as well. A few things are to keep in consideration when mounting a TV such as centering the TV, considering the high level, etc. A few things are discussed below:

Size of the TV:

Determining the size of the TV before mounting it on the wall is important. Because when mounting the TV, you’re not considering it from the floor to the bottom of the TV. 

You’ll be mounting the TV from the center of it in the wall. So, you should consider measuring the size of the TV to place it exactly in the center of the wall.

Viewing distance:

When mounting the TV, you should consider measuring the viewing distance. That will help you find out the viewing angle as well. 

If you are going to watch the TV from closer, you need to know the TV a little bit lower to bring it to your eye level.


Mounting the TV straight on your eye level is the ideal solution for the best viewing experience. It will provide you with the best comfort when watching TV.

How to calculate tv wall mount height?

Although you can follow the simple rules to mount the TV on the wall at the correct height, you need to do some calculations to measure the right height for the TV to be placed on the wall. 

Easy ways to follow that will help you to figure out how higher you should mount the TV. The TV mounting height simply adds the watching height and the horizontal watching distance. Then multiply them with the tilt angle

Usually, the tilt angle is zero degrees. You can use the equation to figure out in which players you should mount the TV on the wall and ensure proper centering. 

As a result, you will have no hassle watching the TV after you have mounted it on the wall.

Why TV placement is important? 

The replacement is important because it will be able to provide you with the best viewing experience. Because buying a TV and not being able to watch it from your comfort zone can be a terrible thing. 

That is why it is important to make sure that the TV is mounted in an appropriate position. Mounting the TV higher or lower will cause your shoulder pain due to watching the TV for a long time. 

Moreover, when you will be sitting on a sofa and looking at the TV, your eyes should look straight at the TV. 

One more thing is to always remember that when mounting a TV on a wall you should consider the measurements from the ground to the center of the TV screen. Or else you might end up putting the 

TV is higher than usual. So, when mounting the TV on the wall, choose the place wisely.

How do you mount a TV to the living room wall?

The biggest advantage of mounting the TV on the wall is, it saves a lot of space and makes the room look good. Putting the TV in the right place on the wall is important because it will provide you with the best viewing experience. 

There are a few things to keep in consideration when you’re about to mount the TV on the wall. The procedure to mount a TV in the living room wall is explained below: 

Determine the wall:

You must make sure on which wall you are going to put the TV. It is recommended to place the TV right in front of the sofa. 

Measure the height and angle:

Measure the height carefully. It should not be mounted very high or very low from the ground because watching TV from different angles will cause shoulder pain and disturbance. 

Place the TV:

When mounting a TV on the wall, you should make sure that the TV is placed at the best viewing angle from your perspective.

Final thoughts 

Placing the TV in the right place on your wall is important because it will provide you with the best viewing experience and it helps to reduce the occupied space in a room making the room look more stylish. That is why it is important to place the TV at your eye level.

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