Does Ice Weigh More Than Water? (Read This First!)

You can understand exactly how much water there is by looking down at the Planet Earth from orbit. Nearly 75 percent of the planet is covered with water.

The vast majority of the Earth’s water, approximately 97%, is found in the oceans, but because it is saltwater, humans cannot drink it without first removing the salts.

Just 3% of our freshwater is left, which means we depend on our rivers, lakes, ice, and rain for the life-sustaining liquid. When you consider the polar ice caps, you’ll realize just how little drinkable water we have left, but it still is a hefty amount.

So, does ice weigh more than water? What’s the science behind it? Let’s find out.

Does ice weigh more than water?

Regardless of any misunderstanding, there may be, no, ice doesn’t weigh more than water. When the same amount of water and ice is weighed in the same container, the same volume of water weighs more than the volume of ice. Water has a larger volume than ice because it takes up less space.

Water may take on a variety of physical properties depending on the circumstances to which it is exposed. Several of these states include gaseous, liquid, and solid-state. Under such circumstances, the volume of the object may vary, affecting its weight and density.

During freezing, the molecules of water are forced apart, thereby increasing their volume. The volume filled by ice is believed to be 9% more than the amount initially occupied by water. Water molecules stretch to take up more area when they solidify.

As a result, the same amount of water and ice have significantly different densities and masses. That’s why you’ll see ice float on top of the water, owing to the fact that water is denser than ice.

2 hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom are covalently linked to create a water molecule.

Water is, by nature, a liquid. Because the hydrogen atoms within water molecules are not near enough together, hydrogen bonds between the molecules are continuously forming and breaking.

This results in the absence of a discernible structure in water, which gives it its fluid look. 

Does a gallon of water weigh the same as frozen?

Regardless of whether it is frozen or melted, the same amount of water has the same weight but a greater volume. While one kilogram of water weighs the same whether frozen or liquid, its volume is one liter while liquid and slightly more than one liter when frozen.

Warm water weighs less than cold water, depending on the temperature. For instance, water weighs approximately 8.3 lbs. in a 500 ° F environment but weighs 8.03 lbs. in a 2000 ℉ one.

According to the British Imperial gallon, water density may reach 10.02 lbs. per gallon, while the United States’ dry gallon of water can reach an upper limit of 9.71 lbs. Temperature changes the weight of a gallon of water.

As ice is relatively less dense than water, the same amount of ice would weigh lesser than the weight of the water.

Why does ice weigh less than water?

Following reasons can weigh ice less than water –


Temperature is one method to determine the amount of energy contained in water. Higher temperature equals increased energy and vice versa. Increased water energy causes water particles to vibrate, edging out their neighbors.

Thus, when the energy of water increases, the density of water drops. Since a gallon is a fixed volume of space, the number of water molecules inside it will vary in response to changing energy levels.


Water atoms are bent and attract each other. While water has the same weight whether it is frozen or melted, it is heavier due to a larger volume and thus a lower density.

While a kilogram of water takes up the same area as a kilogram of ice, the latter will melt before the former. Drinking water weighs more than ice water. The optimum density can be found around four degrees Celsius.


Water is found in its liquid form. Hydrogen bonds in liquid water are broken and reformed when water atoms encounter. The molecules become more tightly packed as the water cools.

As a liquid’s temperature drops, its density increases. Most liquids continue this process when they freeze, becoming denser than they were in their liquid form. In contrast, water has a different reaction.


When the ice cube melts, the water level stays constant. A floating item displaces the same volume of water as it weighs. Due to the expansion of water during freezing, an ounce of frozen water has a greater volume than an ounce of liquid water.

Gravitational Force:

The weight of a gallon of water and any other fluid is also affected by atmospheric pressure and gravity. A gallon of water weighs less on the moon than it does on Earth but more on Jupiter.

The weight differential is related to the gravitational force that things feel.

How much more does ice weigh than water?

8.35 pounds or a gallon of water frozen equals 8.35 lbs. of ice. However, you will get an additional 14 fl oz. or 0.028 lire because ice is less thick than water.

Room temperature water is relatively denser than ice and even higher temperature water. The water molecules in ice are farther apart than in water owing to the polarity of hydrogen atoms, which gives them higher density. Ice, therefore, has a lower density compared to water.

How much ice does a gallon of water make?

A density of about 0.9167 g/cm^3 is typical for ice. The relationship between the density and the volume of ice is believed to be inverse. Thus, one gallon of near-freezing water produces the equivalent of 1.090 gallons of ice.

Because a gallon of water weighs 8.34 lb, it produces 8.34 lb of ice.

Do things get heavier when frozen?

When you freeze something and convert it into a solid (like ice), all tiny molecules slow down and get entangled so tightly that they cannot move. Thus, when water is frozen, it retains its original molecules and has the same weight.

On the other hand, frozen meat weighs heavier than thawed meat since the water and other liquids in the flesh are released during the thawing process. So it comes down to the item you’re weighing.

What does 1-gallon water weigh?

In the US system of measurement, a gallon of water weighs approximately 8.33 lbs. or 3.78 kg when it is at normal temperature. The precise weight of water varies according to the warmth at which it is kept, which in turn relies on the water’s degree of density.

Is ice heavier when it melts?

The ice compresses (decreases in volume) and gets denser as the process continues. The density of ice will rise from .92g/cm^3 to 1g/cm^3, which is the density of liquid water.

So the weight of ice would increase when it melts and turns to water as the mass is proportional to density.

What’s heavier, a pound of water or a pound of ice?

If you have a pound of water and ice, they both would weigh the same, one pound. But the ice volume would be less than the water, similar to the situation with the pound of feather and pound of rocks.

When water is converted into a solid, it becomes less dense, which means that the same quantity of frozen water will have less weight compared to an equal volume of liquid water.

An atom’s rise in density while going while turning solid from a liquid state is a rare feature; the overwhelming majority of the density shift occurs in that direction.

1 kg of ice, how much water?

The water will have the same weight as it does when it is in a solid form (ice).

Because ice is less dense than normal water, it will take up somewhat more space. Liquid water’s density is one gram per milliliter. As a result, 1L (1000 mL) weights 1000g (or 1kg). As a result, the water will weigh 1 kilogram.

Do all liquids weigh the same?

While water, food coloring, and oil are all considered liquids, they are not interchangeable! Each liquid has a specific weight—and some liquids are more or less dense than others. That’s why their weight is also different.

Which has more mass, a liter of ice or a liter of water?

Water has a higher density than ice. The value of ice is roughly 0.9168 grams per cubic centimeter, whereas water has a value of 0.9998 grams per cubic centimeter.

Therefore, if a constant amount of ice and water is used, water will have a greater mass than ice.

Final Thoughts:

To sum it all up, contrary to any confusion, ice doesn’t weigh more than water. When the same volume of ice and water is weighed in the same jar, ice always weighs less. Due to the higher density of room temperature water compared to ice, water has a greater volume than ice.

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