Do Vinyl Floors Need to Be Sealed? (Answered)

Vinyl flooring can constantly improve the aesthetics and look of your home space. The best part about vinyl flooring is that it is affordable and sleek-looking. If you are thinking about getting vinyl flooring, you might want to get the maximum lifespan.

If you have questions about whether vinyl floors need to be sealed or not, then you are at the right place. So, without any further due, Let’s get into it. 

Do vinyl floors need to be sealed?

Vinyl floors do need to be sealed. When installing tiles or sheets, you will notice a seam in between the two tiles. Those seams need to be fused. They need to be sealed so that debris and mold growth can be prevented. Sealing vinyl floors may help your flooring have a longer lifespan. 

Typically, various sealants are used to seal vinyl floors. However, if the sealing gets damaged for any reason, it’s necessary to re-seal them. Sealing the seams prevents the growth of any type of debris.    

Vinyl plank flooring:

Vinyl plank floor can go without sealing. But, if you do not seal the floor, be sure to use a pH cleaner and then rinse it lightly.

Vinyl plank floors require sealing for proper maintenance. As sealants, you can use different types of caulk. Sealing the floor will prevent it from moisture.

Vinyl peel and stick flooring:

If you prefer, you can use vinyl peel and stick flooring with a seam sealer kit. Before sealing the tiles, try to ensure that the tiles have been placed correctly. A floor roller can be used to check the placement of the tiles.

Sealing the seams is required to enhance the color and appearance of the flooring. On the other hand, sealing the floors also protects them from marking. 

Luxury vinyl flooring:

Luxury vinyl flooring comes with an extra protective layer on the surface. It’s a layer of urethane. Mostly, luxury vinyl flooring is not sealed, but you should remember that the protective layer can wear down. Then you can think about replacing it.

However, if you are thinking about avoiding all these hassles, you can simply seal the seams of the tiles.    

Three reasons why do vinyl floors need to be sealed

Vinyl floors will last for a long time if maintained properly. Sealing the seams of the tiles will help the flooring stay clean and keep it protected.

Here are a few reasons why do vinyl floors need to be sealed:

To maintain the durability of the flooring:

Vinyl flooring has a higher chance of getting damaged due to exposure to moisture. Sealing the seams will prevent the flooring from coming in contact with moisture directly. 

As the floor is less exposed to moisture, the durability of your flooring gets higher. This is one of the primary reasons behind sealing vinyl floors. 

To maintain cleanliness:

Mold, debris, and dirt can quickly get into the seams and make your floor look dirty. Various types of mold and debris can grow between the tiles.

Accumulation of debris and dirt is never desirable. These can lead to the growth of many dangerous bacteria, leading to many serious diseases.

Sealing the seams can minimize the growth and gathering of debris, dirt, and mold. Therefore, the floor stays clean.

To protect the surface and maintain the look:

Sealing the seams of the floors makes it look clean and smooth. As the gaps between the seams are filled with sealants, you can cover almost all types of uneven surfaces. Thus the outlook of the floor is improved.

Apart from the visual primacy, seals will help to protect the surface from damage. This increases the lifespan of your vinyl flooring to a great extent.

Although it can cost a bit in the long run, it will be proven highly pocket-friendly. Therefore, you will not need to replace or renovate the floor for quite a long duration.               

Do you need to seal a concrete floor before laying vinyl flooring? What can you use to seal vinyl flooring?

You do need to seal a concrete floor before you plan on laying vinyl flooring. Sealants and caulk can be used to seal vinyl flooring.  

Concrete floors have specific elements, and this is why it is considered a great flooring material. Although, concrete floors do not give good finishing due to their lackluster dullness. So, vinyl flooring on the top is not a bad idea. 

But, before you plan on doing that, sealing the concrete floor would be a great thing. Sealing the concrete floor will protect the tiles from getting adhered to easily. 

The sealing will help you prevent corrosion under the vinyl tile. So, it’s better to seal the concrete floor.

A vinyl floor sealing kit can be used to seal the vinyl flooring. Or you could use caulk. The results will be promising.

In case you want to use caulk, be sure to choose the right type of caulk. There are properties that should be kept in mind while choosing a type of caulk for sealing.

As you are trying to protect the floor from moisture, make sure that the caulk is water-resistant.

How to prep vinyl floors for sealing?

Preparing the vinyl floors for sealing them is easy. Here are a few easy steps you can follow to prep vinyl floors for sealing:

Cleaning the mold:

The very first thing you need to do is to clean the floor. Before placing the tiles, it’s better to clean the debris and mold.

You can use a broom to sweep the floor and remove the mold. For the residue, you can use a vacuum cleaner. That should get your work done. Be sure to provide extra attention to the corners and seams.  

Striping the old wax and polishing:

The next thing that needs to be done is to use a striping solution if your floor has polish and wax.

You may use a sponge to dampen the floor. Afterward, make sure to rinse the floor and air dry it.

Checking for residual:

Even after striping the floor of the residue of old wax then you might need to use a scraping tool. If you see any residue coming off of the floor, feel free to use a striping solution on the floor again.   

Securing things from the sealer:     

While using the sealer, if it gets onto your newly painted wall or leaves residues on your expensive furniture, it can be an issue.

So, to prevent this, you can use painter’s tape to protect the corner of the walls. You can also use them on the furniture as well.  

How to seal vinyl flooring?

Sealing vinyl flooring can look like a tricky job, but it isn’t that complicated. You can use a vinyl floor seam sealing kit.

Use painter’s tape to avoid unwanted contact with your walls and furniture.

Here are a few steps you can follow to seal your vinyl flooring:

Cleaning the area thoroughly:

Start by cleaning the tiles properly. Ensure there is no dust, no dirt, or mold left on the seams.

Applying sealant:

You can use a straightedge to apply the sealant. Or you could simply attach a nozzle to your sealant. Cut a hole in the nozzle, so the sealant can be applied.

Once you’re done preparing the sealant, put the sealant on the edge of the tiles and in between the seams. Here comes the tricky thing.

You’ll need to apply pressure in the middle so the excess sealant comes out.

Blending the sealant:

Choosing an appropriate sealant is mandatory. Once the extra sealant comes out, run your finger along with the sealant. This ensures that the sealant is blending correctly with the edge of the flooring.    

Can caulk be used as vinyl flooring seam sealer?

Caulk can be used as a vinyl flooring seam sealer. Vinyl floorings can develop gaps between the tiles due to weather changes, humidity, and sometimes improper installation. These gaps can be filled with caulk to avoid the growth of mold.

Caulking prepares the seams to be filled with sealants. Caulking helps fill the bigger gaps and prevents them from getting bigger.

The only drawback about caulking is that it cannot be a permanent solution. With time, caulk can disintegrate as the flooring comes in contact with moisture. As this happens, you can re-apply the caulk.

Final Thoughts

Vinyl floors are sealable, and they do need sealing. The seams in between the tiles need to be sealed to avoid the growth of mold. Caulk or vinyl flooring seam sealing kits can be used to the vinyl floors. Before sealing the flooring, the ideal type of sealant needs to be chosen.           

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