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Can You Use Baking Soda on Plastic? (Quick Answers)

As a declogger and cleaner, baking soda has a long history, so it might seem surprising that some people believe it can also clean plastic.

Several people claim that baking soda can remove oil, grease, and makeup (including waterproof mascara!) from any surface. What about plastic? Can baking soda be used there?

Using baking soda on plastic:

You can use baking soda to clean a wide range of surfaces, including plastic containers, bottles, cutting boards, and retainers. It is an effective and gentle cleaning method. Using soda is a great way to remove odors, clean yellow and cloudy plastic surfaces, and remove yellow stains.

You might want to use baking soda on plastic for a variety of reasons. One of its benefits is that it can prevent mold and bacteria from growing.

Baking soda also removes odors, which can be helpful if your plastic surfaces are starting to smell bad. Additionally, baking soda can help decrease plastics and make them easier to clean. A few plastic items and their suitability for soda are listed below.

Plastic containers and bottles:

It is possible to clean plastic containers and bottles with baking soda. You can scrub the surfaces with baking soda, then rinse them well.

Aside from cleaning containers’ lids and seals, baking soda can be used to clean their lids as well.

Plastic cutting boards:

Cleaning plastic cutting boards with baking soda is possible. Rinse the surface well after scrubbing it with baking soda. Furthermore, baking soda can be used to clean knives that have been used on the board.

You should use caution if you plan on using baking soda on a plastic cutting board, as it can be slightly abrasive.

Plastic retainers:

You can clean plastic retainers with baking soda. After wetting the retaining surface with water, add a small amount of baking soda. Rinse well after letting the mixture sit for a few minutes.

Baking soda can also be used to clean the interior surfaces of retainers if they become clogged.

Will baking soda scratch or damage plastic?

Incorrect use of baking soda can scratch or damage the plastic. Use a sponge to gently scrub the surface with baking soda and a small amount of baking soda. After cleaning, make sure to rinse the area thoroughly and never apply too much pressure. Additionally, baking soda should not be used on plastics resistant to chemicals, as this could damage them.

However, baking soda is an excellent cleaner that can be used on a variety of plastic surfaces. The solution has even been found to be effective on some metal items.

Remember to rinse the area thoroughly after cleaning with baking soda and use caution when using it.

Reasons why baking soda is great for cleaning plastic:

Baking soda is a great cleaner for plastic because it can remove odors and break down chemical residues.

Additionally, it won’t corrode metal or any other materials contained in plastic. You can spray baking soda with water, then allow it to work its magic on the area you’d like to clean. Baking soda is great for cleaning plastic for several reasons.

It breaks down chemical residues:

It is important to note that baking soda is a great cleaner because it is capable of breaking down the residue left behind by several chemicals.

Artificial fragrances, cleaning compounds, and even residual oil from plastic surfaces are all included in this category.

Baking soda eliminates odor:

Baking soda absorbs moisture and neutralizes acids, making it excellent for eliminating odors. Moreover, it has a porous surface that allows air to penetrate and remove bad odors.


Unlike vinegar, baking soda is non-corrosive, so if you use it to clean plastics, it won’t damage them in any way. Consequently, it is suited for a variety of surfaces, including those that resist other cleaners, as a result of its ability to clean a variety of surfaces.


Baking soda has the advantage of being inexpensive. Almost all grocery stores and pharmacies sell it, making it a good choice for both personal and small business use.

Environmentally friendly:

Baking soda is not only affordable and non-corrosive, but it is also environmentally friendly, which is why it is such a popular cleaning product.

Because it doesn’t require any special disposal procedures, it is the perfect choice for cleaning areas sensitive to harmful environmental agents such as sensitive areas around windows and doors.

When to use baking soda for cleaning plastic?

Due to its alkaline properties, baking soda is a great cleanser for plastic. You can use it on wet or dry surfaces but be sure to rinse off any excess before storing. Here are some situations when baking soda might be a good choice for cleaning plastic.

To remove odor: 

Baking soda may be able to help you eliminate persistent odors coming from your plastic items. Sprinkle baking soda over the stain after wetting the area. Rinse clean after a few minutes, allowing the baking soda to do its magic.

To clean yellow plastic:

You can use baking soda to prevent yellowing and oxidation on plastic items. Spray some baking soda several times on the area with a spray bottle. Rinse it off thoroughly after letting it sit for a few minutes.

Be careful not to use too much baking soda, as this can cause the plastic to become brittle.

To clean cloudy plastic:

You may have noticed that your plastic items have cloudy or oily surfaces due to a lack of air circulation. Baking soda may be the solution. You should wet the area and sprinkle some baking soda over the stain to remove it.

You will need to rub it into the surface until it has been fully absorbed by the surface. However, before you store your plastic items, you will want to make sure that you rinse any excess baking soda off of them.

To remove scratches:

You can use baking soda to remove scratches and stains from plastic items. Over the scratch, wet the area and sprinkle some baking soda.

It should be rubbed into the surface until it is absorbed. Allow the plastic to dry after rinsing off the area.

Tips to use baking soda for cleaning plastic:

Cleaning plastic surfaces with baking soda is a great idea. Depending on your needs, you can use it for all-purpose cleaning or for specific tasks, such as removing grease or food stains.

Soda should be used correctly for the best cleaning results. These tips will help you use baking soda correctly to clean plastic.

Wet the area first:

By wetting the plastic surface before applying baking soda, dirt, oil, and grease will be broken down. In addition to neutralizing odors, it also makes it easier for cleaning agents to penetrate crevices and helps maintain the cleanliness of the area.

Use the perfect ratio:

The cleaning power of baking soda makes it a great cleaner for removing stubborn stains and odors.

A lot of baking soda, however, will cause the plastic to become brittle. Simply use enough baking soda to dissolve the contaminant and neutralize any odors, then rinse thoroughly.

Sprinkle liberally:

Cleaning agents that are applied too little can leave behind dried-on residue or missed areas. Use your fingers or a scrub brush to work the baking soda into the surface before rinsing off with water or another non-toxic cleaner.

Let it sit for a few minutes:

The baking soda acts as a hydrophobic agent and causes water to bead up on its surface.

So let the baking soda sit for several minutes before wiping it down with a wet cloth or sponge to remove the cleaning solution. By doing this, any residue from previous cleaners will be broken down.

Rinse repeatedly:

After using baking soda, rinse the area thoroughly with water to remove any residue and dirt, oil, or grease. Furthermore, baking soda is a gentle abrasive that can remove stubborn stains and make surfaces easier to clean in the future.

Avoid using too much:

Baking soda can damage plastic if you use too much of it. When spraying or sprinkling the cleaner, you should use a light hand and make sure to rinse off any excess cleaner.

When a surface is too dirty to be cleaned with simple baking soda, you may want to consider using a stronger cleaning agent, such as vinegar, if the surface cannot be cleaned with baking soda alone.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, you can use baking soda on plastic surfaces. Baking soda can be used to remove odors, prevent mold and bacteria from growing, and degrease surfaces. Baking soda is also effective at cleaning grease and dirt. Baking soda might be an effective cleaner for plastic with a lot of buildups.