Can You Put Drywall in a Garage? (Read This First!)

Are you thinking of a construction material that will be best for your garage? Several building materials have different pros and cons. So, can you put drywall in the garage? What are the advantages and disadvantages of drywalls in the garage? 

This article will explain all the details about drywalls for the garage.

Drywall in a garage

Drywalls are one of the best choices for the garage when you prioritize energy saving, soundproofing, and fire resistance. It’s also great for an unheated garage, but you will need mold-resistant drywalls for the garage. It’s a bit hard to install DIY, but doable and worth taking the hustle.

Drywalls are one of the best construction materials and are famous for their versatility and affordability. A gypsum company first invented it in 1916. At first, it was not very popular to cover the walls, but nowadays, it is widely used for its insulating and fire-resistant capabilities.

So, can you put drywall in the garage? Yes, you can install drywall in most types of garage. It will make your garage more comfortable and energy efficient. So, why would you want to put drywall in your garage?

You may want to make the garage heated and more comfortable. Especially if you’re going to make a livable garage, you may want to make the garage heated. And drywalls are excellent insulating material, and it does a great job of trapping the heat inside the garage. 

Maybe you work in your garage now and then. A drywall-installed garage will provide you with an indoor feel. There is a lot to know about drywalls. By the end of the article, you will have a clear understanding of drywalls and also see if it is worth it for you. 

Let’s dive into some details now.

Drywall is made of gypsum. It is a white material with versatile attributes as a wall cover. It has water inside it, but the water is in crystal form. So, it’s not wet, although it has water. The crystalized water in the drywall makes the wall fire resistant. 

When a fire accident happens, the drywall resists the fire for quite some time. It will allow everyone to get out of danger. Fire can not burn the drywall until it vaporizes all the water inside the drywall.

Drywall also works great as an insulator. So, drywall can be a great choice if you want to make a heated garage. It is easier to set and cost-effective than other insulating construction materials.

If you keep heavy materials in your garage and need to work there, there are chances of getting the drywall damaged. Drywalls are usually tough, but they can not resist heavy blows. But don’t worry, drywalls are pretty easy to fix. 

Compared to other wall covers, like plywoods, drywalls are much heavier, and it can be challenging to install DIY. You must need someone to assist you with the installation process. 

So, when should you think of installing drywall DIY? Firstly, you need someone to assist you. You also need experience doing similar DIY jobs, or you may make too many mistakes. And lastly, if you have a small one-car garage, you can think of setting up dry walls DIY. Get professional help if you have a more oversized garage.

Check out if that type of garage needs drywall.

Metal garage: 

A metal garage is very poor at holding energy. Metal absorbs heat quickly and loses heat quickly, making it the worst insulator. Installing drywall in your metal garage can make that place more energy efficient and comfortable.

Unheated garage:

The unheated garage also needs drywalls. When your garage is exposed to the weather, it can have mold and mildew. Drywalls protect your garage from mold and weather changes.

Is it better to use drywall or plywood in the garage?

The best product for you depends on your requirements. Both drywall and plywood have their advantages and disadvantages. Go through them and choose the best one for you, depending on your purpose.

Firstly, plywoods are much more costly than drywalls. Most wood products are quite expensive. But you are getting excellent aesthetics of wood, which is preferable to many people. Drywalls are also pretty decent when it comes to looking.

Plywoods are more durable and can resist massive blows without getting damaged. But drywalls are not as durable, but it’s easily fixable. 

Drywalls are fire resistant and do a great job of resisting sound too. Plywoods are weak to fire but do decent to resist sound.

Plywood is easier to work with as they are pretty lighter than drywalls. You will need helping hands for drywall installation, as they are heavy.

For installing drywall, you should get extra as it can get damaged while transporting or shifting. Plywoods do not have the issue.

Now, think about your requirements and taste. What do you want from your garage wall? The info above will help you choose the best product for you.

What kind of drywall goes in the garage?

How does it feel when your car does not start on a cold morning? So irritating, right? Proper insulation like drywall can protect you from those situations. 

But what type of drywalls do you need to install in your garage? Is there any particular drywall you should get for installing in your garage? Read the following points to know.


There is not much information you need to remember when choosing drywalls for your garage. For the garage walls, get ½-inch drywalls; for ceilings, choose ⅝-inch drywalls. 

Make sure to measure your garage and get a good idea about the necessary drywalls for your garage. It is very easy to make mistakes in the measurement and underestimate the extra drywall you may need for a project. 

Do proper research on how to calculate the required piece of drywalls.

Regular drywall:

Regular drywalls are suitable for most of the garage. You will not need any special drywalls for your garage most of the time.

Mold resistant garage:

If your garage is not heated, molds can infest your drywall due to humidity and temperature change. In those cases, you can use mold-resistant drywalls for your garage. Mold-resistant drywalls are higher in price than regular drywall. 

How much does it cost to drywall a garage?

The cost depends on the size of your drywall garage. You will need 1300$-5300$ for a one-car garage, 1.5$-3$ per square foot, including the labor cost. However, you can save a big part of that money if you can do it yourself. But don’t overestimate yourself.

A few mistakes can make you demotivated and make you give up the project. It’s also pretty hard to cover large areas when you have little or no experience. Make sure to get help from someone while DIY-ing drywalls.

How to drywall a garage properly?

You must follow a detailed guide to install drywall in your garage properly. There are many small things you need to do right and be careful of to avoid failure. Here is a basic step-by-step guide to drywall installation. Make sure to follow complete tutorials to start installing the drywalls.

Clean the wall:

Clean the wall by removing any other wall cover.

Check the measurement and tools:

Check if all the measurements are correct and you have all the equipment for the project.

Start from the bottom corner:

Start from the bottom corner and screw it with the wall. The screws should be one foot far from each other.

Install the boards:

Install the other boards and install all the fill boards. There will be small spaces between the drywall, but that is fine. You can fill the small gaps with joint materials and drywall tape. 

Cut the boards in the correct sizes:

When you install all the drywalls and no space for any whole board, start measuring the empty spaces. And cut the boards in the correct sizes. After cutting the drywall, install them in the blank spaces.

Apply the drywall tape and joint material:

When setting all the boards, you will need to apply the drywall tape and joint material to the small gaps between the drywall.

Use sandpaper to smooth the surface:

After the joint dries, use sandpaper to smooth the surface.

Final Thoughts

Drywalls benefit the garage for their excellent insulating, fire resistance, and soundproofing ability. They are cheaper than most other construction materials. Always get 20% extra drywall sheets than you need. If you do not need them, give them back to the shop.

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