Can You Iron Felt? (Complete Guide)

Felt is one of the common and versatile textile materials. Fibers are compressed to make felt materials. Besides, fibers have plenty of uses in different sectors. Even we use felts in our houses for different purposes.

Sometimes, felt can get wrinkles for storing for a long time. So, you need to straighten the fabric. But you might be confused about whether you can iron felt or not. Well, the felt fabric is pretty different from the regular fabric.

So, we have to know the details about felt and their heat-resistance ability.

Can you iron felt?

You can felt iron. Generally, irons have different temperature ranges for different fabric materials. So, felt should be ironed in the specific range of temperature. Moreover, you should iron felt according to the density of the felt fabric. You should keep the temperature low initially.

Felt is a unique fabric material that also has different types. You need to set the iron temperature differently for different types of felts. But while ironing, you must start at a low temperature initially.

Gradually, you have to set the temperature range for felt fabric. Moreover, for extra safety, you can keep another fabric between the iron and the felt fabric.

Is it safe to iron felt?

Yes, ironing felt is safe. Felt fabric is made from different types of fibers. So, you need to know whether the fiber is suitable for high temperatures or not. Most felt fibers can be resistant to low to moderate temperatures.

Besides, most iron has different temperature ranges for different fabrics. So, it is safe for ironing felt in the temperature range. But if you iron the felt fabric at too high a temperature for a long time, the fabric might be burnt.

So, ironing felt is safe if you iron the felt in a temperature range from low to moderate. Moreover, you can iron the felt keeping another fabric between the iron and the felt fabric.

Do you iron felt fabric?

Felt fabric gets wrinkled sometimes. Especially when you store felt fabric for a long time, the fabric might get wrinkled. So, you can iron the felt fabric to straighten the felt. But you need to make sure which material of felts you want to iron.

Let’s see what you can iron felt fabric.

Felt hat:

You can iron a felt hat. Sometimes, felt hats get wrinkles that are pretty difficult to remove without ironing. So, you can iron the felt hat with care.

You need to keep the iron temperature low and change the direction of ironing according to the shape of the hat.

Felt for a pool table:

You can also iron a pool table felt. Sometimes, pool table felts get wrinkles and creases. So, you can iron the felt with a specialized pool table iron. Otherwise, you can iron with a regular iron keeping the temperature low.

Felt onto a shirt:

The felt onto a shirt can be ironed. If you want to iron a shirt that is of felt, you need to keep the iron temperature in the felt range. Moreover, you should keep the temperature low to moderate while ironing.

Ironing a felt shirt will remove wrinkles from the shirt.

Felted wool:

Felted wools are different types of wool that are generally softer than normal felt. So, you can iron them but with proper care. You can place a damped cloth between the felted wool and the iron.

Then iron on the cloth and the felted wool will be wrinkle-free.

Felt cloth:

You can iron felt cloth. It’s completely safe to iron felt cloth. Make sure you don’t keep the iron at a high temperature for a long time. This can burn the cloth. So, you can iron felt cloth at a low to moderate temperature to straighten the cloth.

Felt pennant:

You can iron felt pennants but you need to keep the pennant face down. On the other side, you can iron with a damped cloth. Take a damped cloth and squeeze out the water from it. Place the cloth on the pennant and iron the cloth over the pennant.

Gradually, the wrinkles and creases will be removed from the pennant.

Felt numbers:

You can iron felt numbers on fabric. Generally, numbers are ironed so that they can stick to the fabric. So, you need to hold the iron for 40-50 seconds on the letter over the fabric. Then let the numbers cool and stick in the place.

Does felt melt while ironing?

Generally, felt will not melt while ironing if you keep the temperature in the range. You need to keep the iron temperature at a low to medium range. Irons have different ranges for different fabrics. So, you have to follow the felt temperature range.

But if you keep the temperature high for a long time, the felt might melt. Moreover, if the felt material is too thin and you don’t keep the temperature low, the felt might melt. So, the felt will melt while ironing for giving too much heat.

At what temperature can you iron felt?

You can iron felt less than 200 degrees centigrade. A good-quality felt can withstand this much temperature. Even high-quality felt can withstand up to 900 degrees centigrade. But that doesn’t mean you have to keep this temperature for ironing felt.

You have to iron felt less than this temperature. For example, you can set the iron at a low temperature like 160 degrees centigrade. If the wrinkles don’t go away, you can gradually raise the temperature up to 200 degrees.

But if you provide more than 200 degrees, you have to keep another fabric over the felt.

Can you use iron-on patches on felt?

Yes, you can use iron-on patches on felt. Generally, iron-on patches can easily melt or burn the fabric. So, you need to be very careful. If the patches and the felt are of different materials, then you have to be careful while ironing on patches.

You need to iron the entire fabric without the patches. Next, you have to keep the temperature low and gradually iron-on patches. 

Make sure to iron a small area first. If the patched area is okay, then you can move to the other portions. So, you can use iron-on patches but with proper care.

How to iron felt fabric?

Felt is not like other fabrics. So, you can’t iron felts randomly. If you don’t iron the felt properly, it might get burnt. So, let’s see how you can iron felt fabric.


Before starting iron, you need to prepare the felt and the iron. Preheat the iron in the wool range that is low temperature. Put the felt fabric on the ironing board and straighten the creases.


Now you can start ironing the felt fabric. You can start from the left side of the fabric and move towards the right side. Don’t keep the iron in the same area for a long time. Keep the iron moving from left to right side.

Don’t change direction randomly. Otherwise, new wrinkles will be produced.

Ironing the backside:

If you only iron the front side of the felt, all the wrinkles and creases might not go away. So, you need to iron the backside of the felt. You can turn the felt and iron the backside in the same process.

How do you get wrinkles out of felt?

Felt fabrics also get wrinkles when you store them for a long time. Besides, keeping felts randomly will get wrinkles on them. So, you have to remove the wrinkles out of felt.

For removing wrinkles, you can iron the felt. Ironing is the most common way to get wrinkles out of felt. But you must use the iron on the felt properly. You can’t use high temperatures for ironing felts.

Besides, you can steam the felt fabric carefully to remove wrinkles and creases. Moreover, you have to be very careful while steaming the felt.

Can you steam wrinkles out of felt?

Yes, you can steam the wrinkles out of felt. When the felt gets wrinkles and creases, you can steam them out. While steaming, don’t use too much steam in the same area for a long time.

Use the steam on the felt from up to down and keep the felt straight. Most of the wrinkles will go away while putting steam on the felt. You need to keep the felt straight while steaming.

But if the wrinkles and creases are so hard to remove by steaming, you might need to iron the felt.

Ironing felt is the most effective way to remove wrinkles and creases. You can iron the felt keeping the temperature low to moderate range. You can put a damped cloth over the felt to iron it. Besides, the felt can melt if you put a high temperature continuously. So, iron the felt fabric carefully.

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