Can I Put Fabric Softener in the Bleach Dispenser?

You’ve recently purchased a new washing machine and are quite confused about the several compartments in it. When using the fabric softener, you reach an unavoidable question: ‘Can I put the softener in the bleach dispenser?’

The question is quite common, especially when the machine doesn’t have a separate compartment for a fabric dispenser. Give a quick read to know if it works!

Can I put fabric softener in the bleach dispenser?

A fabric softener cannot be put in the bleach dispenser as it may lead to a negative chemical reaction. The bleach dispenser is meant for containing bleach only. When the fabric dispenser is put along with the remaining bleach in its bleach dispenser, it may react to produce chlorine gas.

The fabric contains a chemical known as dihydrogenated tallow dimethyl ammonium chloride which reacts with bleach to produce chlorine gas. The gas can damage a person’s respiratory tract, including the lungs. Thus, this act of putting the two together will prove to be harmful.

The fabric softener also needs to be added to its own compartment. Almost all the washing machines have a separate compartment for fabric conditioners or softeners. Using the right compartment will be the best solution.

Is it ok to put fabric softener in a bleach dispenser?

It is not recommendable to put fabric softener in a bleach dispenser as softeners are supposed to be used in the rinse cycle. Especially, if it is combined with bleach in the bleach dispenser, it produces chlorine gas that knocks out anyone inhaling the gas.

On the other hand, it disrupts the whole process in the washing machine. The fabric softener will pile up in the bleach dispenser. As a result, when bleach is used in the same dispenser, it overflows sub trays and splashes into the inner drum; it doesn’t follow the same path as before.

What happens if you put fabric softener in the bleach slot?

Disruption in the washing process:

The fabric softener, when put in the bleach slot, keeps up piling. It forms a thick layer of the fabric softener which blocks its path.

When bleach is put in the same dispenser, it does not follow the instructed pathways. Facing such pressure, it travels to the trays it is not supposed to enter. As a result, it floods sub-trays and spills into the inner drums of the washing machine.


The chlorine gas it produces from the reaction of bleach and fabric softener can be harmful to anyone near the washing machine.

Especially when the room is small, the chlorine gas may knock out the people in the room. In other cases, it may suffocate people and cause lung damage when inhaled regularly.

Change in the color of clothes:

Bleaching is used in the washing cycle, which is the second cycle. So anything stored on the bleach slot is used in the second cycle.

On the other hand, a fabric softener is used after the washing cycle is completed. It is used in the rinse cycle which doesn’t take much longer.

Using the chemicals in the wrong washing cycles may ruin the color of the clothes. In addition, it may add spots or stains on the clothes.

How do I put fabric softener in without a dispenser?

Place a fabric softener ball:

Purchasing a fabric softener ball and placing it in the washing machine at the beginning of the washing cycle only makes it convenient to soften clothes.

It only requires you to fill the ball, the rest of the job will be done on time by the softener ball itself. It will automatically open to release the liquid fabric softener at the right time of the rinsing cycle.

Leave a rag full of fabric softener in the inner drum:

Pour the fabric softener on a piece of clothing or rag.

The rag full of softener should be left on the dryer to make it work effectively.

Manually release the fabric softener:

After the washing cycle, manually pour an appropriate amount of fabric softener.

It should be done during the finishing rinse cycle by adding it to the water, making sure that it is not put directly on the clothes.

Directly releasing it on the clothes might risk stains and spots.

Can I put detergent in the bleach slot?

Detergents are mostly found in two forms- liquid and powder. Liquid detergent can be put in the bleach slot without having any risks, while powder detergents cannot be put in it.

Liquid detergents can be put in a bleach slot as it passes away smoothly through the hose and into the inner drum of the washing. It doesn’t block hoses or enter sub-trays to overflow them. It also does not interrupt the washing process.

On the other hand, powder detergent cannot be put in the bleach slot as it blocks the hoses. Using it for a few days will cause the powder to build and pile up in the hoses, preventing the bleach from passing through the same hose to get into the tub.

Can bleach be mixed with fabric softener?

No. Bleach cannot be mixed with a fabric softener because it reacts to produce harmful gas. Fabric softeners contain dihydrogenated tallow dimethyl ammonium chloride which is reactive. When it comes in contact with bleach, it produces a gas known as chlorine.

Chlorine gas produced from the washing machine can cause people around it to suffocate and faint. It may as well cause burning of the conjunctiva, bronchial tree, and throat.

Do all washing machines have a fabric softener dispenser?

Almost all the washing machines have a dedicated fabric softener dispenser. Typically, it is at the top of its central column. It is in the form of cups, but it is a tall cylinder that connects the fabric softener dispenser with the inner drum.

However, some washing machines do not have a fabric softener dispenser. For instance, some Whirlpool washing machines do not have a separate compartment for fabric softener. In such a case, the fabric softener should be used manually following the instructions.

Some users may install a new fabric softener dispenser. It is found readily in the markets and can be installed in an existing washing machine without any professional help.

Can I mix bleach and Fabuloso?

Bleach cannot be mixed with Fabuloso as it produces a harmful gas known as chlorine.

Fabuloso is a great cleaner but many people may unknowingly mix it with bleach, expecting it to be an effective disinfectant. But that will only invite dangers. They produce chlorine gas, which causes lung damage when inhaled.

It may as well cause burning of the conjunctiva, bronchial tree, and throat. Even low levels of chlorine gas can cause coughing, breathing problems, and irritation in the eyes. It is especially true when the mixture is used for cleaning a small room.

No cleaners such as Fabuloso should be mixed with bleach as bleach is only inert with gallons of water. The mixture of Fabuloso and bleach might not even clean the surfaces properly, thus making it only a harmful option.

Where do you put fabric softener in a top loader?

The fabric softener has to be put on the center column in the drum of the top loader. Almost every top load has this dedicated softener dispenser where the fabric softener has to be placed. It cannot be placed in the detergent or any other compartment of the top loader.

However, some top-loaders may not have a dedicated softener dispenser. In such a case, a softener ball can be put inside the tub. The fabric softener has to be put in that ball in an appropriate amount. It will release the softener on time.

Without the softener ball, the fabric softener can be put manually on the water during the rinse cycle. It should not be put directly on the clothes. The softener in the water will do the rest of the job.

How to add fabric softener to the washer that locks?

To add fabric softener to the washer that locks, wait for the rinse cycle and pause or stop the process. Pour an appropriate amount of it and leave it on the dispenser. After placing it, carefully tighten the seal on top of it to secure the softener.

It is recommended to follow the dispenser’s manufacturer’s instructions.

Can I add fabric softener to the beginning of the wash?

Fabric softener can be added to the beginning of the wash in the wash cycle only when the washing machine has an automatic softener dispenser.

At the beginning of the wash, during the wash cycle, the detergent is released into the water. At that time, there’s less amount of water circulating in the washing machine.

Releasing the fabric softener will most likely contact the clothes directly. As a result, it may leave stains and spots on the clothes.

However, if there’s an automatic dispenser, leaving the fabric softener on it at the beginning of the wash will not harm the clothes. It will release the fabric softener on time during the rinse cycle. It can also be left in the softener ball at the beginning of the wash as it does the same job.

Final Thoughts:

Overall, fabric softener cannot be put in the bleach dispenser as it will only lead to the clothes changing color, having stains, and people having lung issues. It is also not good for the washing machine as their liquid tends to be thick, building up in the hoses and overflowing the trays.

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