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Can Galvanized Pipe Be Connected to Brass? (Quick Answers)

We don’t think that much when it comes to connecting different metals. But metals can react with one another. 

Generally, galvanized pipe is one of the most common pipes we use in other places. But galvanized steel can react and corrode when connected to some specific metals.

So, you might be confused about whether galvanized pipe can be connected to brass or not. 

You have to know about the safety of connecting galvanized pipes with brass. Moreover, knowing the consequences and safe connection of galvanized pipe and brass is also essential.

Can galvanized pipe be connected to brass?

You should not connect the galvanized pipe with brass. Generally, galvanized pipe is made of iron. Two dissimilar metals like iron and brass will react with each other and cause galvanic corrosion. So, the galvanized pipe might be corroded. So, you should not connect them if not necessary.

However, galvanized pipe is one of the most common pipes used for water supply. On the other hand, brass is also used for the water supply line. So, it can be pretty common to connect these two types of pipes.

Generally, you might not know what will happen after connecting them. Nothing problematic will happen instantly when you connect these two types of metals. But it would be best if you did not connect them to preserve their durability in the long run.

Brass fittings on a galvanized pipe:

When working with a water supply line, you might have to connect brass fittings on galvanized pipe. But when you connect brass fittings with galvanized pipe, the iron in the galvanized pipe will react with brass.

Gradually, the iron will be eroded by galvanized corrosion. The brass fittings might not be damaged. But the galvanized pipe will be damaged. This might take time to show the result of connecting these two dissimilar metals.

But two dissimilar metals will face galvanic corrosion. You might not see the defects early after connecting them. But after a couple of years, the flaw might cause damage in the long run. So, you should not connect the galvanized pipe with brass.

Why shouldn’t you connect galvanized pipe with brass?

Now that you know you should not connect the galvanized pipe with brass, you might want to know the reasons. So, let’s see why you should not connect galvanized pipe with brass.

Corrode the pipe:

The most important reason you should not connect galvanized pipe with brass is corrosion. You might know that two dissimilar metals will go through galvanic corrosion if they are close.

Some metals are safe to connect. But galvanized pipe and brass are not. Generally, galvanized pipe is made of iron. When you keep iron and brass together, they will react with each other.

The corrosion resistance is more in the brass. So, corrosion will occur in the iron. After installing the pipe and brass fittings, you might gradually see corrosion in the galvanized pipe.

If the brass fittings would rust, you could change the fittings easily. But the corrosion occurs in the pipe. So, once the pipe is corroded, you have to change the whole pipe. So, this type of corrosion is not acceptable. That’s why you should not connect galvanized pipe and brass.

Reduce durability:

We expect the system to be durable when we install water supply pipelines. Because fixing the problems in the pipeline is costly and complex. But if you connect galvanized pipe with brass, the connection will not be durable.

You might know that brass and galvanized pipes will go through corrosion. This corrosion will damage the pipes. So, you will not get a durable connection between these two dissimilar metals.

Other problems:

Other problems can also occur due to connecting these two dissimilar metals. For example, the cost of fixing defects will be more. Moreover, the water in the pipeline might be polluted by rust and corrosion. Water leakage will occur due to the defect.

Other corrosion will also be induced due to galvanic corrosion. So, the problems will become more dangerous gradually. That’s why you should not connect galvanized pipe with brass.

Is brass compatible with galvanized pipe?

No, brass is not compatible with galvanized pipes. Generally, galvanic pipe and brass are made from different metals. Galvanized pipe is made from iron after galvanizing. On the other hand, brass is one type of alloy element.

When you keep brass and galvanized pipes close, they will react. Especially if there is air or liquid, the reaction will be continuous and fast. So, between these two metals, galvanic corrosion will occur.

You can say two metals are compatible if they don’t react with each other and stay safe. But if they respond and one is corroded, they are not compatible.

Does brass corrode galvanized steel?

Yes, brass corrodes galvanized steel. Generally, there will be galvanic corrosion when you connect two dissimilar metals. All metals are categorized by their nobility. The more the noble is, the less it will be corroded.

Moreover, if you connect two dissimilar metals, the noble metal will corrode the less noble metal. Between brass and galvanized steel, brass is nobler metal. So, brass will corrode the galvanized steel.

You might not understand which metal is corroding the other one. But if you connect brass and galvanized steel together, you will see the iron part of the galvanized steel is corroded. The galvanized steel will be rusted soon.

Moreover, brass and galvanized steel are most commonly used in water supply pipes. So, you will see that the galvanized pipe is corroded, whereas the brass fittings are okay.

How to connect brass to galvanized pipe?

Now that you know you should not connect brass to galvanized pipe, you might not want to connect them.

But sometimes, we have to connect them for emergency purposes. So, you have to connect them appropriately to reduce corrosion. So, Let’s see how you can connect brass to galvanized pipe.

Applying plumber’s tape:

First, you have to apply the plumber’s tape on the male threads of the brass fitting. You can wrap the tape two to three times to make the tape tighten. You have to wrap the plumber’s tape clockwise around the threads.

Threading the fitting:

Then you have to align the male threads with the female thread. You can align the brass fitting’s male threads with the galvanized fitting’s female threads.

After that, you have to turn the brass fitting clockwise to start threading it into the galvanized fitting. You have to continue turning the fitting until the connection is tight.

Final fitting:

Then you have to place two different pipe wrenches on the brass and galvanized fittings. You can now set a pipe wrench on the brass fitting. You have to put another pipe wrench on the galvanized fitting.

You have to turn the brass fitting clockwise by the wrench. You have to continue until the threads are almost entirely buried in the galvanized fitting. Finally, pass water through the pipes to check whether there is any leakage or not.

What fittings are compatible with galvanized pipes?

Brass and galvanized pipes are not compatible with each other. Another metal corrodes one metal. So, when working with pipe fittings, you have to choose metals that are compatible with each other. So, let’s see what fittings are compatible with galvanized pipes.

Steel pipe fittings:

You might know that dissimilar metals are not safe to connect. Especially if they have a chance to corrode. So, when you are using galvanized pipes, you can use steel pipe fittings.

Because galvanized pipes are also made from steel. If you connect two steel plates together, the chance of corrosion will be less.

Moreover, you can use stainless steel fittings or black steel pipe fittings with galvanized steel. Stainless steel and black steel are compatible with galvanized steel.

PVC fittings:

You can also use PVC fittings with galvanized pipes. PVC fittings are not made from metals. So, there will not be a chance of galvanic corrosion.

Sometimes, PVC fittings can also cause a different types of defects. But the severity of this type of defect will be less harmful than the galvanic corrosion. If you can connect PVC fittings with the galvanized pipes properly, they can be compatible with each other.

Final Thoughts

The galvanized pipe can be connected to brass, but you should not connect them because these two metals are incompatible. Brass is nobler metal than galvanized pipe, and it will corrode the galvanized pipe. Combining them will cause galvanic corrosion.